Monday, August 20, 2007

3rd day on lemonade

Before i talk about the 3rd day, let me tell you about the first day.

On my 1st day, everything went smoothly. At first, i thought i might get gastritis. I had esophagitis before. It's like an ulcer but the wound is actually just outside the stomach. right at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach. So, i really thought i wouldn't last half a day with the lemonade diet. To my surprise, i didn't feel any hunger at all. Nor did i feel any acidity on my stomach. all went well on the 1st day.

My 3rd day, i woke up with a full stomach. i don't know why but it seemed i've just eaten a full breakfast. it's time to drink my 1 liter of salt water again. Done, no sweat. For breakfast, i am taking my laxative tea.

The person who introduced me to this diet is my boss. Actually, he is the boss of my boss who came to the Philippines for a vacation with his wife and 3-year old son. I can remember him saying that the hard part is on the 2nd day when you start smelling french fries even if there aren't any. Well, that hasn't happened to me because i was such a sadist. I went out to have a dinner with my family. I don't need to tell you how tempting that was, but i believe it was a real test. If i can withstand such temptation, then i can finish the 10 days of this diet.

I also remember my boss telling me that also on the 2nd day, you start dreaming that while you are in the diet, you accidentally ate some food. I thought this was funny until last night. I dreamt about having accidentally eating food and therefore breaking my diet of 2 days. I think i deserved it. That's what you get when you go on diet and go have dinner with your family in the food court with only a bottle of water in your hand.

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